server important suggestions [must add]
1.smartchat is like it displays the players id also
in this format
: R.Naresh(id here):text here...
2.smartpm it much have cmd /p instedy of pm and add /rp which means replytopm [this gos for the player who pmed u no need to use id in /rpm its bassed on timeing....]
and /bp which means /blockpm it blocks pm and does not display it to the player who blocked his pm and it will show u cant pm this player he has bloacked his pms...
3.lottosystem its a gameling system wiht cmd /lotto and a box appers and 2 options one = buy a ticket[5k] and secound tells the info which is the resent player how won and his name and how much he won [his anns in chat when a person buys like r.naresh bought a lotto ticket 3 particens,15000,/lotto to join it
it increases the lotto buy a player buys a lotto for 5k prize = 5k and other player buys ticket for 5k the prize goes to 10k......
4.speedchattest this anns in main chat the any letters [does not give a meaning...] like example: XdhGgGgJDFKL the prize for it will be random like 20k 10k 3k 4k 5k and etc..
5.rank system = this is both player rank and class rank player rank will be based on score of the player and class rank will be bassed on how much jobs u done for all classed and for cop class its bassed on fined player [how much u have]and jailed [jailed counts to 2 rank lvl and fineing a player [if he has 100 wanted lvl or 1 it will be 1 rank lvl]
6. plz remove assistance class and remove cmd /assist and add cmd /r means /repair and /f means /fuel and /raf meand repairandfuel in this /r and /f costs 1k and /raf costs 2k......
7.change the servers name to IT Trucking Server plz...
8.when a player connectes the message sent to all has a spelling mistake see for international its internatioanl for the player how leave the message has correct spelling
9.rename roadworker class to mechanic
10.make as if mechanic can /work and a box will apper and 2 options in wich its 1.= repair speedtrap and 2.towavehicle in this u can use any car to repair a speedtrap and for towing a car u need towtruck....
IT Will ROCK With This Scrips.....
Its My Resquest Plz Add This tings plz...